​Sweet Snacks

Unlike British cakes and biscuits, the sweet snacks eaten in Moiyan were only very mildly sweet, such as this dense, white 印花粄 yìnhuā bǎn : yin(4) fa(1) ban(3):


I was familiar with 煎丸欸 jiên(1) yan(2) ê(3) and 甜粄 tián bǎn : tiam(2) ban(3):​


Others I remembered from previous trips to Mauritius, such as the fluffy, red pot pan 發粄 : ​发粄 fā bǎn : bod(5) ban(3)...


I also recognised 粽子 Zòngzi : written in Hakka as zung(?) ê(3), but the bizarrely grassy, chewy, dark green discs of 清明粄 qīngmíng bǎn : qin(1) min(2) ban(3) were new to me. ​


My cousin took me to try 湯圓 : 汤圆 tāngyuán : tong(1) yan(2), glutinous rice balls in a sweetish watery soup:


​You could order ones with different fillings, including red bean, peanut and sesame.

Thank you for reminding me of the name of this next one - 味酵粄 wèi jiào bǎn : mi(4) gau(?) ban(3)​:

​Peanutty glutinous blobs again!


Glutinous rice flour balls with sugary-peanut dusting.​

Excellent chewy ginger sweets. Quite a nice alternative to chewing gum.​


Pumpkin and sesame 'pancakes'.​